Sometimes it seems like DIY enthusiasts believe they can tackle anything. While it is true that a homeowner can try to do all of his own maintenance and repair work, it is also true that some jobs are just not a good fit for DIY. Slab jacking is one of them.

Slab jacking is one way of affecting a concrete slab repair on a sinking patio, driveway, etc. It also works well to shore up sinking foundations and fixing sinking concrete steps. But if you don’t know how to fix a foundation or sinking slab, attempting to do it on your own could create bigger problems.

For all foundation and slab repair jobs in Salt Lake City, we recommend hiring a licensed contractor who employs trained, experienced technicians. Slab and foundation problems are nothing to fool around with. To drive home the point, here are three reasons slab jacking is not a good DIY project:

1. It Requires Specialized Knowledge

Slab jacking requires more specialized knowledge than some other trades. Why? Because there are multiple factors in play. You have the physics of the sinking concrete itself. You also have the underlying causes of the problem. If you do not know what is going on underneath the concrete in question, you will not know how to adequately fix it.

Slab repair via slab jacking is pretty simple in theory. In practice though, getting it right is anything but. Once you affect the repair, it is over and done with. Get it wrong and you are looking at digging up the entire slab and completely replacing it. Suffice it to say that slab jacking isn’t as forgiving as finishing drywall or painting.

2. It Requires Specialized Equipment

Beyond the knowledge required to do it right, slab jacking also requires specialized equipment. Right off the bat you are going to need a heavy-duty pump capable of handling the material you intend to force under the sinking slab. Such pumps don’t come cheaply. Obviously, a DIYer would rent one rather than purchasing one. But rental is not cheap, either.

You also need to know how to use the pump correctly and safely. Break the pump and you could be forced to pay for it. You just don’t need that kind of expense.

You will also need a concrete drill and the ability to use it safely. If you have never drilled through concrete before, it is quite an experience. It is not a job just anyone can do. You need to have considerable strength along with coordination and a bit of know-how.

It Requires Concrete Finishing

Finally, there is more to slab jacking than simply pumping material into the soil underneath the sinking slab. You have to finish the concrete once you are done leveling. That means filling the holes you drilled and leveling them. It is simple enough, but maybe not for someone who has never worked with concrete before.

One of our goals is to conceal the holes we drill as much as possible, so we have learned how to do it. We do not want to leave a concrete slab looking like it’s pockmarked. No job is perfect aesthetically, but we get pretty close. You might not be able to accomplish the same thing without extensive concrete experience.

There are a lot of projects DIYers can tackle by themselves. We support DIY maintenance and repairs when they are appropriate. But from our standpoint, slab jacking is not a good fit for DIY homeowners. If your property in Salt Lake City is suffering from sinking concrete, give us a shout. We will take care of it.